Everything begins with the question "Who am I?"


For the first 40 years of my life, I was not truly myself. From the beginning, I was “different”. I am first-generation American. The day I started kindergarten, I could not speak English. I was wearing a dress, white knee-high socks, and ribbons in my hair. My classmates started picking on me and never stopped. I quickly became very aware of what other people wanted, and I became the person I was expected to be. I was a good girl, never got upset, studied hard in school, went to college, and graduated with a good degree. I got a job and got married. I had children. From the outside, I did everything the right way – the way my parents and society would have approved of. I was living the life that other people expected. But I did not know who I was, or if that life was right for me. 


In the 13th year of my marriage, I had an awakening. I was having lunch with a friend. I was cutting the food on my plate and describing something that had happened at home the day before. I looked up, and my friend had tears running down her face. That stopped me. I thought to myself “Wait a second. This is nothing really bad. This happens all the time. Why is she crying? What am I not seeing?” I realized that although I had been in this relationship for a long time, I really did not see it for what it was. I did not know where I was, or how I got there. 


Six months later, I filed for divorce. Three years after that, I was in a new home with my kids and a joint parenting agreement. For the first time in a long time, I had time to spend any way I wanted. I could make my own decisions. The problem was, I didn’t know what I wanted anymore. I only knew what other people wanted.  

I began the slow process of rediscovering who I am and what I want. It has been a journey of continuous revelations. Over time, I made my own decisions and choices. I ran into obstacles and learned how to deal with them. I accomplished some things I wanted and am in the process of working on others. I left the job I had held onto for many years, one that I knew was not right for me and that had lost any meaning for me.  


I am at a place now where I am starting to be me. I have had over 10 years of experience studying and applying concepts, tools, and techniques for living a life that’s mine and nobody else’s. I’ve found out what works, and what doesn’t.  

My passion now is to share what I have learned with people who are going through life transitions. I know a lot of the suffering is optional, and changes don’t have to take as long as they do. I know that sometimes it is hard to see things from “the inside”, and that the right insight or question from the “outside” can change everything. 

I believe there are no mistakes, and that you have found this website for a reason. If my words resonate with you, please sign up for my blog and let’s start a conversation. Perhaps this will be your only visit (and that’s OK). No matter what, please keep searching for someone who does speak your language, and never stop being the one, the only, magnificent you.