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A Work In Progress

Mar 20, 2022

I was taking an online challenge this week, and the instructor spoke about self-criticism. She pointed out how we can criticize ourselves for not being further along in our goals than we are.


She used a wonderful metaphor of a seed. An acorn has the potential for growing into a large, mature oak tree. But if you have the acorn in your hand, you don’t criticize it for not being an oak tree. You accept that at this point in time it is a seed. You plant it, and it takes the journey of growth. At any moment in time, you can’t expect it to be anywhere other than where it is. You can’t rush the journey.


I know I’ve done my share of self-criticism about things I “should” have accomplished by now and how far I “should” have come by now. The media shows us people who live perfect lives.  Today’s technology has led us all to expect instant access to knowledge and instant delivery to our door. Advertisers promise to teach us how to get rich quick. We’ve been trained to want it all, and want it now.


I have goals, and I’m moving forward. Sometimes I look ahead and see how far I need to go (which makes me feel bad). Sometimes I look back and see how far I’ve come (which makes me feel better). The trick for me has been being where I am and feeling really good with the way things are. I have to acknowledge the gifts of the past – the learning, the people, the experiences, and anticipate with pleasure the gifts still to come.


We are all a work in progress, and we will never be truly “finished”. There will always be something more to do, see, learn, and experience. Might as well be happy along the way, if we can swing it. I’m glad I got a reminder for myself this week.


What do you think? Have you been looking forward to see how far you need to go? Have you had to work to become happy with where you are? Leave a comment!


Until next time, remember… We are all magnificent.


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