"Yes" Changes Everything Mar 23, 2023

I read somewhere once that people tend to avoid new situations or experiences simply because they will make them feel uncomfortable.


For a lot of people, feeling uncomfortable is, well… uncomfortable. There’s a sense of agitation (maybe fear), sweaty palms, fast heartbeat, and...

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When Sh*t Happens... Mar 09, 2023

You know what I mean… Life is going along OK, and something happens. You get a piece of bad news. You get an injury. Something comes out of the blue and changes your life.

Stuff (aka sh*t) happens.

It can be gut-turning, heart-wrenching, and can even knock you off your feet.

The tendency...

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Behind the Scenes Feb 23, 2023

We are in what I call the “doldrums” of the year. The holidays are over, spring has not arrived yet, and around here in the North there is only snow, ice, and drab landscapes. There’s nothing much going on, at least on the calendar. But there is a flipside to the doldrums...

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Telling It Like It Is Feb 09, 2023

One of the rules we are all told as children is that we should always tell the truth. We’re told it’s the best thing to do, and warned of the problems and troubles that result when we lie.


As for me, I accepted this rule, but I did not always follow it. (Maybe I’m not...

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Intention and Asking Jan 26, 2023

Understanding and using intention is important. If you’re not clear on your intentions going into a situation, things could go astray. Intention can pre-pave the way for a good experience.

I use a method that I learned about in a program by Joe Vitale, who got it from Tom Moore in his book...

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A Mind Open to Anything and Attached to Nothing Jan 12, 2023

Dr. Wayne Dyer was one of my spiritual mentors. I never met him in person, but I learned a lot from his books, videos, and television programs. One piece of his wisdom that had a profound effect on me was his advice to have “a mind open to anything and attached to nothing”.

I grew up...

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A Fork In the Road Dec 04, 2022

“If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will do.” – Lewis Carroll

I don’t know if there’s anyone that is completely and utterly satisfied with where they are now in every aspect of their lives. We all seem to be constantly wanting and looking for...

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Three Kinds of Yes Oct 23, 2022

A lot of people have spent a lot of time thinking about how God (or the Universe, Source… insert your favorite term here) answers when we ask for something. The one I was most fond of went something along the lines of the Universe having only three Answers to our Asking: a simple...

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Shake It Up Oct 16, 2022

I’ve had a major shake-up in my life this week. This will mean a big change in an important part of my life. I’m still feeling the emotional upheaval of it.


All of us have lived through tough situations in the past, and each time we’ve survived and evolved....

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Clarity Oct 09, 2022

I’ve become aware of a shift in my life right now. For a while, I was more focused on the possibility of romantic love in my life. Now my focus has shifted more to business pursuits and helping others with getting clarity about their lives. It’s not that motion stopped totally in...

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Born This Way Oct 02, 2022

I have always been interested in the questions “who am I?” and “who are you?”.


When we are born, I think we come into the world with two things: our basic physical body and our basic personality tendencies. I remember studying the concept of “nature versus...

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Looking For the Solution Sep 18, 2022

My mom is getting up there in age, and she’s having some health issues. It would be much safer for her to move out of her house (which has stairs) into a place that is on one level. She also needs to adjust the number of dogs and cats she has.


Conversations in the family circle over...

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