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Oct 09, 2022

I’ve become aware of a shift in my life right now. For a while, I was more focused on the possibility of romantic love in my life. Now my focus has shifted more to business pursuits and helping others with getting clarity about their lives. It’s not that motion stopped totally in either area at any point, but that I recognized a change in where I am.

Clarity is the key. I have varying degrees of clarity all the time. I need clarity in 4 areas:

Who am I?

We are all evolving and constantly changing. I am not the same person I was 10 years ago, 2 years ago, or even a month ago. I change just a little with every new thing I learn and every decision I make. Sometimes big “aha” moments create bigger changes. My tarot cards also help me see shifts in my focus.

Where am I?

People around me change, too. I find myself spending more time with some people and less time with others. That changes what I talk about, what I see, and what I hear. The people around me give me different things to think about. They nudge me in “positive” directions or “negative” directions.

Where do I want to go?

All these factors change the intensity of what I want to be, do, or have at any time. The environment around me makes it easier to go one way versus another. The environment presents certain opportunities and not others. It gives me a choice of whether to flow with what’s going on at the time, to resist and try to sit still, or to fight the current and move to something completely different.

What’s In the Way?

Ultimately, I’m the only thing in my own way. I may believe I can’t do something, or believe that it will be hard, or take a long time, or that the change will cause negative effects in my life. Dealing with all that is an exercise in awareness, growth, and faith. It’s the reason I’m here. To continuously become “more”.


What do you think? Do you have clarity right now? Are you at a crossroads, a shifting point? Leave a comment!


Until next time, remember… We are all magnificent.

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