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Intention and Asking

Jan 26, 2023

Understanding and using intention is important. If you’re not clear on your intentions going into a situation, things could go astray. Intention can pre-pave the way for a good experience.

I use a method that I learned about in a program by Joe Vitale, who got it from Tom Moore in his book The Gentle Way. It’s about asking for the most beneficial outcome to whatever you’re doing.

This is what I do… When I am about to enter a situation like a conversation, meeting, party, etc. I state my intentions, or what I want, and I ask the Universe for help.

The first part involves asking for the best, or most benevolent outcome.

The second part is asking for what is wanted. You can only ask for something that you want to do, not for someone else to do something. In other words, you can ask for help for yourself, but you can’t ask for something bad to happen for someone else. That’s not benevolent.

The third part is acknowledging that you may not know the best outcome, but that you’re willing to accept the best outcome even if you didn’t know to ask for it. It recognizes that getting what you want/ask for now may not be best for everyone in the future.

The fourth part is always to say “thank you”

For example,

Let’s say you need to have a conversation with someone that usually rubs you the wrong way. You can say this:

“I ask for the most benevolent outcome. I want to have a pleasant, calm conversation with this person. I want to communicate clearly and efficiently. I want to leave with good feelings. This, or something better. Thank you.”

This request is supposed to be spoken or whispered out loud. It’s not enough to say it in your mind. I don’t know why… so if I’m in a public place and I’m doing this, I will whisper it.

I do this all the time. Every night, I ask to fall asleep quickly and sleep well. I’ve used it in small situations and big events. Even if I don’t get the outcome I asked for, I trust that things happened for the greatest good for all.


Leave a comment! Have you been using this method, or something like it? Have you tried it and found success?


Until next time, remember… We are all magnificent.

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