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Just the Way You Are

Apr 24, 2022

I have been introduced to the system called Human Design, and I am starting to learn about it. Human Design is a system that combines elements of astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalah, the chakra system, and quantum physics to define a person’s energetic “design”. It’s another method to use to know yourself.


I have obtained my chart online and am learning about the different pieces, how they interact, and how they apply to me. I have been going through a self-discovery process for many years, through counseling, journaling, numerology, astrology, personal development books, Myers-Briggs, the personality system of Alex Paulos, and now with Human Design. Each process brought its own epiphanies. Each system had parts that didn’t seem to fit me.


This week I came to a realization of how much is inside me that I had no idea was there. It’s only when I started to look at myself using outside systems that I could identify the patterns in my own thoughts and behaviors. The big aha moments come when I can see why I say the things I say, or why I might have made the decisions I made in the past, and how those things were driven by aspects of my subconscious… But the first step to changing something is to be aware of it.


The lesson I am continuing to learn from this is acceptance (or at least understanding) of what other people do. If there’s so much inside me that I don’t know about, then everyone else must be working with the same situation. A lot of times I know I wasn’t consciously thinking about my standard responses. I know that many of my choices were made according to reflex or what I had always done before.


I am slowly learning and trying to accept people just the way they are.


What do you think? Are you on a self-discovery journey, too? Have you had any surprises? Have you seen patterns in others that you’ve learned to accept and not fight? Leave a comment!


Until next time, remember… We are all magnificent.

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