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Like It Was Meant To Be...

Jun 19, 2022

A friend of mine took her son to college orientation this week. She told us that everything went perfectly. He got all the classes he wanted, he got the living arrangements he wanted, and he got a roommate who has the same major as he does. They went through the whole process efficiently, and the weather was perfect as they were going from building to building. I told her “It’s like it was meant to be.” She smiled and agreed.


It’s nice when you have an experience like this, when everything happens without stress, and you go from delightful surprise to delightful surprise. These are the times that renew my faith in the universe that things are always working out for me. These are the times that remind me that there is a consciousness behind all the moving parts of the universe.


I used to get stressed out a lot over the things I had to do, how they would get done, and if I would get what I wanted. I’m sure I’m not alone in that. Over time and after a lot of observation, I’ve found that the more I let go of the worry over “how” things will unfold, the better things go.


I still have a paper day planner. (I haven’t quite made the leap to a calendar on my phone…) I write down appointments, and inevitably something will pop up and there will be a conflict. I write it down (in pencil) and think about it working out somehow… More often than not something else will happen in a day or two to resolve it. When that happens, I stop and smile and consciously recognize that it’s all working out for me.


Of course, there are still times when things aren’t super-smooth and I have some anxious moments. So the other side of the equation is keeping things in perspective and not letting them put me off balance too much. 


What do you think? Do you stress out and worry over how every thing will get done? Have you recognized when things work out all on their own? Leave a comment!


Until next time, remember… We are all magnificent.

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