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Looking For the Solution

Sep 18, 2022

My mom is getting up there in age, and she’s having some health issues. It would be much safer for her to move out of her house (which has stairs) into a place that is on one level. She also needs to adjust the number of dogs and cats she has.


Conversations in the family circle over and over about the dangers and the disadvantages of what is happening now. We agree that we can’t “let” her stay where she is, but we also can’t “force” her to change. The more we concentrate on what is wrong, the more of it we see, the worse we feel, the more we talk about it, and the more my mom pushes back.


I have finally gotten to the point where I’ve had enough of thinking about the problem. I have defined what I would like the solution to the problem to be. In short, I’d like her to be safe and peaceful. I’d like her to be happy, too, but she’s the only one that has control over that. Nobody can “make” her be happy.


I can’t control what anyone else is thinking, but I can control my own focus on the outcome I want. I believe that I will begin to see opportunities and ways to get it done. At the worst, at least I won’t be angry and worrying as much. I will still see what’s going on, but I will try my hardest not to let it get to me. It will all be resolved somehow. It always is.


What do you think? Are you surrounded by people who keep repeating the problems in a situation? Have you had an impossible problem that was solved once you started focusing on the solution? Leave a comment!


Until next time, remember… We are all magnificent.

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