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Oct 31, 2021

He said, “Above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.”  - Roald Dahl


Today is October 31st and we are celebrating Halloween in the United States. Halloween is traditionally the day that the separation between the physical world we know and the non-physical world of spirit is the thinnest. The summer ends, the harvest is under way, and we prepare to go inside for the winter.


There are two sides to Halloween. I have always liked the sweet aspects – I love the magic, and the ability to become anything you want to be. I have never liked the scary aspects, and I stay as far away from the frightening side of Halloween as I can.


This is a time when magic is in the spotlight, but magic is really around us all the time, if we look for it. It’s in the faces of people around us. It’s in the little things that delight us. It’s in the unexpected gifts we get right when we need them. When we look for these things and actually call them magic, it makes them even more wonderful… the world of spirit looking out for us. We have someone helping us out, and we don’t have to do everything ourselves.


Happy Halloween to those who celebrate it. And to everyone, a wish for clear eyes to see the magic that's around us all the time.


Until next time, remember… We are all magnificent.

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