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Moving On

Sep 04, 2022

Two of my good friends are moving away from Chicago. One is going to England, and one is going to South Carolina. I just heard a third is moving too, but at least she’s staying local.


I’m going to miss the friends who are moving far away. It won’t be the same. But they aren’t moving to get away from me, they’re moving to something that’s better for them. And that will bring a change and something different for me. Maybe it will bring something new and wonderful into my life. (I hope!!)


This is a reminder for me that the “bad” things that people do are not personal. Friends moving away, or friends drifting apart, or couples splitting up may be upsetting to me, but they have nothing to do with me. People need to do what’s best for them, not what other people want them to do. That’s how I want to live my life, too. I’m sure that changes I’ve made have caused other people some bad feelings.


Hence the old adage: the only thing that’s constant is change. Changes that you want, changes that you don’t want, and changes that you want but can’t seem to get yourself to make…


What about you? Do you roll with the changes, or do you suffer through them? Is there a change you want to make or do you dread a change that’s coming? Leave a comment!


Until next time, remember… We are all magnificent.

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