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Telling Stories

Dec 19, 2021

We all tell stories all the time. In conversations, we tell stories about how work is going, how the family is doing, and what we ourselves are doing or feeling. In general, we have been taught to “tell it like it is”. We have been taught to be factual, objective, and truthful about what is happening now or what happened in the past.


People who try to focus on the positive aspects of the situation are often called “dreamers”, “Polyannas”, or at the best, optimists. They are accused of fooling themselves and others with what they say.


I know that stories we tell are more important than we think. What we choose to focus on and what we tell ourselves will determine what we will attract in the future. What you focus on expands… If you focus on the bad stuff that happened, or that is happening, you train yourself to look for bad stuff that’s coming. You perpetuate the stuff that you don’t want.


However, when you tell stories focusing on what’s good now, and about what was good about what happened in the past, you begin to focus on what good stuff is coming.


Who says you have to focus on the “bad” things? Does that do any good, or does it just perpetuate what people think already is? Does that make anybody feel better or want to do better?


Perhaps we all need to become better storytellers… We need to tell the stories of how the past has been preparing us for a better future. We need to tell the positive stories of how we want the future to look. We need to tell the stories that make us feel better and will help us do better.


What do you think of this? Do I need to get real, or will telling a better story bring better things? Is telling better stories worth a shot? Leave a comment!


Until next time, remember… We are all magnificent.

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