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Where do you show up?

Nov 14, 2021

We are heading into the holiday season. It’s the time of the year when it’s most likely that you will get more invitations to events than at any other time of the year.


Some invitations will be no-brainers – “Of course! I’d love to come!”.

Some invitations you will have to think about.


You may accept some invitations because you feel you HAVE to, like a workplace Holiday Party, or holiday festivities with your family. Other invitations could be optional, and you have the choice to either show up or not.


Showing up physically is one thing, but how do you show up personally? Do you show up fully present, enthusiastic, and with your whole heart? Or do you show up physically, but just go through the motions, waiting until you can politely go home?


When you show up with your whole heart, you know that the people or activities are really important to you. The rest of the events are just killing time, time that could be spent seeing people or doing things you really enjoy. Ideally, we should choose the events that have heart and meaning for us, and decline the ones that don’t. That’s not always easy, but it helps keep the holidays manageable and enjoyable.


What do you think about this? Are you always showing up half-heartedly, or are you choosing the events that you really WANT to be at? Leave a comment!


Until next time, remember… We are all magnificent.

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