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Where You Should Be

blog Sep 28, 2021

This quote was in my Facebook feed recently (from findyourshinetherapy):

Some people finish college and start their careers at age 22, only to find themselves unhappy and starting over when they are 35. Others start working a minimum wage job at age 16 and work their way up the company ladder, retiring happily at age 50. Some people get married at age 25 only to divorce at age 27. Others marry when they are 50 and spend 40 years with their soulmate. Some women are ridiculed for becoming teen moms but end up living to meet their great great grandchildren. Other women get pregnant at 40 and are ridiculed for putting their unborn child at risk. There is no “right” way to do life. There are no timelines. You are not late. You are exactly where you should be.

There will always be people who will tell you what you’re doing is wrong. There will always be people who tell you that you shouldn’t want what you want, or that you will never get it. They will tell you you’re too old, too young, too smart, not smart enough, etc, etc, etc. There will always be people to compare yourself to — and comparisons can discourage you quicker than just about anything. It took me a long time to learn not to compare where I am or what I can do to where someone else is or what they can do. I realized I had no idea what their background was, or what struggles they went through to get to where they are.

But no matter where you are, you are always where you should be. You are always in a position to choose what you want. You can always choose what is right for you at the time. Only you know the right path for you. Trust yourself. Begin, and follow the path. You never know where it will take you.

Have you taken a path everyone told you was wrong, and proved them wrong? Are you thinking about taking the “wrong” path and gathering courage? Leave a comment!

Until next time, remember… We are all magnificent.

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